Watch DCTV now online or on Virgin Media channel 802


Open, Community Driven,
Not-For-Profit Media

Our goals are to develop and run a community television channel for Dublin and surrounding areas that is Diverse, Empowers and encourages participation

DCTV provides members with access to transmission and training for a broad range of individuals, community groups and activists broadcasting a wealth of innovative, creative, educational and entertaining programmes that focus on real people and communities in all their diversity.


To contribute to equality and social inclusion, to the empowerment of communities of interest and geography, especially those facing disadvantage or exclusion.


To provide the means for participation by communities and people of Dublin in the planning and running of the channel. At the same time enhance their participation in the governance and development of the city.


To celebrate and enrich through programming the great diversity of cultures and communities of all kinds in Dublin.

Groups Affiliated with DCTV